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Facility Products & Anchor Kits

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Our Facility Products & Anchor Kits category includes too many accessory items to list in the title!  Once you’ve equipped your area with tables, benches and trash and recycling receptacles, a quick visit to this department will show you the finishing touches.

All public spaces need a pet waste disposal system, and we can help with a complete Dog Waste Station or just a simple Pet Waste Bag Dispenser, with a post or in a wall-mount dispenser.

Anchor kits ensure your products stay where you put them so excessive winds, floods or exuberant guest don’t move them!  Whether on concrete, wood decking, or the ground, we have anchor kits to secure your products in place.

Additional Facility Products include bat houses to give our flying exterminators safe roosts, 6′ and 8′ posts in 2 sizes, and a tabletop hot plate which protects your table investment from burns and damage from hibachis or hot pans right off the fire.

Our Facility Products protect your investments!

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