Veteran Memorials: Honor Your Veteran with a Bench, Plaque, or Paver

A Look Back on Veterans Day Veterans Day was originally called Armistice Day and marked the anniversary of the end of World War I on November 11, 1919. Americans now celebrate Veterans Day on that same date. Armistice Day honored...

Why Businesses Should Prioritize Sustainability

Sustainability should be far more than a buzzword. When businesses focus on sustainability, everybody wins. Consumers feel better about shopping from businesses that match their values, businesses see profit increases from building a sustainable brand, and our environment becomes cleaner...

A Circular Economy for Plastics. What Is It?

Science is full of cycles. The water cycle, carbon cycle, hydrologic cycle, oxygen cycle...the list goes on and on! In elementary school, many of us learned the mantra about reducing, reusing, and recycling, typically accompanied by a little diagram synonymous...

Guest Post: We Need A Level Playing Field With China

Today we're sharing our space with our friend, customer and colleague, Bob Brammer of Stromberg Carlson Products Inc.  Also a Michigan manufacturer, Bob discusses how we are literally cheating ourselves by allowing unfair trade into our country.  Visit Stromberg Carlson...

Gen Z’s Leading the Way in Sustainability

Sustainability means making choices today that avoid depleting the environment of natural resources. In this way, an ecological balance will be kept or sustained. Ideally, sustainability should not deprive modern society of any quality of life. One description of environmental...

Which Recyclable Materials Are the Easiest to Recycle?

Have you ever stopped to think about the people on the other end of your recycling? That is, the people who sort, process, and remake those recyclable materials into everyday usable products? Most people stop thinking about their recycling once...

What is Greenwashing and How Do You Spot it?

You are probably familiar with the term whitewash; it originally simply meant to cover the surface of a building with white liquid to conceal its faults. However, in 1851, the term took on a figurative meaning: any unsavory facts that...

How You Can Make a Positive Impact On the Environment

  Most people today understand the importance of living sustainably and want to make a positive impact on the environment. However, when it comes to taking action, knowing what to do to have the most impact can feel overwhelming—especially as...

We Prioritize The Environment. So Can You With a Few Easy Ideas.

At Polly Products, we are proud to prioritize the environment in everything we do! For us, it’s not just about selling environmentally-friendly products. It’s also about re-thinking how we do business. Our day-to-day operations are directly affected by our mission...

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